The story follows the adventures of a mischievous teddy bear as he makes his way through Santa's grotto, visiting Santa's elves, his reindeers and even Mrs Claus! Personalise with a name up to 12 characters, which will feature throughout the book both within the text and illustrations, making the recipient a part of the story. The first page inside the book can also be personalised with a message over 4 lines, with up to 25 characters per line. Please avoid entering the name in block capitals as this may result in the text being difficult to read on certain pages. We recommend entering the name in proper case, i.e. Emily, George etc. Please also avoid entering the message text in block capitals as this may result in the personalisation being difficult to read. The apostrophe and s ('s) on the front of the book is fixed and does not need to be entered again. The story book contains 28 fully illustrated pages.